Miraculous Deaths of Prophets

The births of numerous religious figures are regarded as miraculous. Jesus, for example, was surrounded by heavenly signs such as the star of Bethlehem and he was born of a virgin. Light phenomena surround the births of Zoroaster, Mohammed and Mahavira. The miraculous nature of these birth accounts essentially serves to highlight these religious figures as special. They are chosen by the gods and endowed with a unique destiny or mission. This theme also applies to their death, which is surrounded by signs, omens and miracles.
1) In the Mahabharata and the Bhagavata Purana, the death of Lord Krishna is described. It is said that he was accidentally hit by an arrow in the sole of his foot and left his earthly form to return to his divine abode of Dwarka. After his death, various supernatural events occurred, including floods and strong winds.
"An awful and fierce wind, showering gravels and stones, blew violently on every side. The seas swelled beyond their limits, and the waters of the ocean rose in agitation. The sun seemed to turn around. Meteors, showering (blazing) coals, fell on the Earth from the sky. The disc of the sun became fierce." Chapter 3 of the Maushala Parva
2) There is a miracle associated with the death of the prophet Enoch. The book of Genesis says that Enoch did not experience death like other people, but was taken up to heaven by God. Instead, it says that he walked faithfully with God and was taken up by God into heaven without experiencing death. This event is mentioned in Genesis 5:24: "Enoch walked faithfully with God; then he was no more, because God took him away."
3) In the Hebrew Bible, Elijah's death is described as a miraculous event. He is caught up to heaven in a whirlwind, accompanied by a chariot of fire. This event is recorded in the Book of 2 Kings in the Bible.
4) When the Buddha reached the last stage of his life, he entered into a deep meditation called "attainment of cessation". During this meditation, various natural phenomena occurred, including earthquakes and thunderstorms. There was celestial music and the spontaneous blossoming of flowers. The sky also darkened at the time of his passing, These events are described in various Buddhist texts, including the Mahaparinibbana Sutta in the Pali Canon.
5) The resurrection of Jesus is the central tenet of the Christian faith. According to the New Testament, Jesus was crucified, died and was buried. On the third day after his death, he rose from the dead and appeared to his followers before ascending to heaven. The resurrection is seen as a divine vindication of Jesus' claims about himself, his teachings and his mission, confirming his victory over sin and death and giving believers the hope of eternal life. According to the gospels, at the time of his death, the sky darkened, the earth shook and the curtain in the temple was torn. The Gospel of Matthew reports that even the dead rose from their graves to walk the streets of Jerusalem.
6) There is a tradition according to which Muhammad's body was still fresh after his death. It is said that his body remained intact after his death and showed no signs of decay until his burial. The tradition that Muhammad's body remained fresh after his death is mentioned in various Islamic sources, including hadith collections. In Sahih al-Bukhari, the miracle is mentioned in a hadith narrated by Aisha, one of Muhammad's wives.
7) Shortly after proclaiming his successor, the founder of the Sikh religion, Guru Nanak died in Kartarpur in 1539 at the age of 70. There was a dispute among his followers as to how his last rites should be performed. Both Hindus and Muslims wanted to claim his body for their respective burial customs. When the arguing Hindus and Muslims tugged at the sheet covering Nanak’s body, they found a pile of fresh flowers instead. The Hindus and Muslims then decided to share the flowers and perform their respective funeral rites.
8) The Baha’i Herald, Báb, was sentenced to death by firing squad in the city square of Tabriz, Iran in 1850. When the shots were fired, however, the Báb was seen by witnesses who saw him unharmed standing next to his companion Mirza Muhammad-Ali in another part of the courtyard. The bullets had not touched them. This event is referred to as the "miracle of the Báb's execution." The Bahais see this event as a confirmation of his status as a Manifestation of God.
There are many miraculous events associated with the deaths of religious figures. The traditions emphasise the cosmic significance of Imaim Husayn’s martyrdom by describing how it rained blood after his death. The earth shed blood on its surface and the sun was stained with blood.

Swami Vivekananda was an eminent Indian philosopher and spiritual leader who played a key role in introducing Indian philosophy and yoga to the Western world. His death in 1902 is said to have been marked by signs, such as a radiant light surrounding his body and a divine aura that those present claim to have seen. Some devotees claim to have experienced vivid dreams or visions in which they interacted with Swami Vivekananda or received teachings from him. Omens are associated with the deaths of many Roman emperors, too, discussed in the 2nd chapter of my book, the Lens of Faith.
There is a real psychological phenomenon where people report feeling the presence of deceased loved ones. This is known as “grief” or “bereavement” hallucinations, “hallucinations of widowhood”, or “hallucinations associated with pathologic grief reaction”. The “incorruptibility” of a religious figure’s body is often cited in religious communities as proof of holiness or divine favor. It should be noted, however, that there are scientific explanations for this phenomenon, too. Environmental factors or certain burial practices, may play a role in the preservation of corpses under certain conditions. It is clear that miracles are confabulated because they serve to validate the authority and authenticity of religious figures. They demonstrate their special relationship with God and the divine protection that surrounds them. They lend credibility to their teachings and mission.
Christian apologists often claim that Jesus is unique. While other prophets are still in their graves, Jesus even conquered death itself. He is still alive! But this is nothing more than a statement of faith. The only evidence for the resurrection of Jesus we have are the accounts in the Gospels. Furthermore, uniqueness is not a valid criterion for deciding what is true. All these stories are similar in some ways, but also unique. There is nothing unique about uniqueness.

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