Help me write the Jigsaw Puzzle of the Mystery of Existence

I am raising money to write my next book. It will be titled The Jigsaw Puzzle of the Mystery of Existence and will deal with human evolution and religious practice.
Humankind has undergone an evolution of consciousness. Our brains have tripled in size over the course of our existence. This change has given us
the ability to communicate with improvised language, mentalization, or representing other minds, plan for the future and reminisce about the past, build an internal model of the outside world, and make and use tools.
The Flynn effect exists on this same continuum of evolution. It describes the observed phenomenon of a consistent and substantial increase in average intelligence test scores over time. The Flynn effect is named after psychologist James Flynn, who has researched this phenomenon in depth. This effect has been observed since the early 20th century in different countries and across different generations. The increase in standardized intelligence test scores over time was documented by Flynn in 1984. He studied the increase in intelligence quotient score gains in the standardization samples of successive versions of the Stanford-Binet and Wechsler intelligence tests. Flynn’s study found a 13.8-point increase in IQ scores between 1932 and 1978, an increase of about 3 points per decade.
There are several hypotheses about the reasons for the Flynn effect. Among the possible reasons is that better nutrition, especially during the prenatal and
early childhood periods may contribute to better brain development and cognitive abilities. Reduced exposure to toxins and disease may also have a positive
impact on cognitive development. The expansion of formal education systems has led to more people being exposed to cognitively stimulating environments.
Schools encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, and abstract reasoning, which can boost performance on intelligence test.
Modern societies provide more complex and intellectually stimulating environments, including exposure to technology, media, and information sources.
These experiences can enhance cognitive abilities.
Smaller family sizes and a greater focus on child-rearing can lead to more personal attention and resources for each child. This can promote better cognitive development.
The spread of science and increasing technology may lead to more abstract thinking and symbolic reasoning, skills that are often assessed in intelligence tests.
Over time, people may become more familiar with the types of questions and tasks asked in intelligence tests, leading to better performance as their ability to pass tests increases.
James Flynn himself suggested that the Flynn effect may be due to people becoming more adept at thinking in terms of abstract terms, required for many intelligence tests. This shift in thinking may be due to societal changes that emphasize classification and categorization. What we know is influenced by our reasoning, interests, personality traits, and our learning opportunities. These opportunities, in turn, are significantly influenced by the time and place in which we grow up. This affects both access to information via the Internet, mass media, and books.
No single factor can fully explain this. Rather, the Flynn effect is likely a combined effect of better nutrition, health, and access to knowledge
and more demands for its use in people's daily lives.
Religiosity is an endeavor to understand the purpose of life and to align with it in daily practice. In human evolution, organized religiosity began as humankind gained the capacity to imagine a higher goal than mere survival. Usually, religions involve the idea of an afterlife that is to be sought through daily religious practices.
Religious practices have an effect on the intelligence of their practitioners. Religions include practices that focus on the inner life, such as meditation and prayer. Regular practices of prayer and self-reflection can promote introspection and self-knowledge. These practices can lead to a deeper understanding of one's thoughts and feelings. Similarly, mindfulness involves focusing on moment-to-moment experience, appreciating thought as a simple mental event, and observing it with an attitude of nonjudgment.
Religions entail health related practices such as yoga. Pilgrimage is a form of religious practice that involves health aspects. Religions impose dietary restrictions, such as fasting periods. They prohibit the use of certain subtances and foods. Many religions offer guidelines on how to moderate alcoholic intoxication. The use of entheogens, or sacred medicine, has been part of human society for thousands of years. Psychoactive substances are known to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. Cannabis is sometimes used for contemplation, and has an impact on cognitive abilities.
Religiosity also involves intellectual practice. As a rule, religions include an endeavor to form a picture of reality as a divine plan. This involves
learning from revealed texts and "the book of nature". The study of religious and philosophical texts often involves critical thinking, analysis, and interpretation. Studying complex theological concepts can help practitioners develop analytical and logical reasoning skills. Some religious communities encourage debates and discussions on theological topics. Participation in these activities can foster critical thinking, the ability to articulate ideas clearly.
This is an attempt to bring more rationality and reality to religiosity. I think about the question of what is actually useful about religious practice. Religions involve the idea of spiritual growth or progress. How well do religions reach this ideal? I put this question in a scientific context using the Flynn effect.
This book will be an intersection of science, theology, and philosophy. It will require years of extensive research on topics such as religious practices and the evolution of intelligence.
I will use the funds to pay for living expenses such as food, electricity, and rent during the years of writing.
Help me write it by making a donation on Gofundme.
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